The fit-for-work test fails mentally ill people – not the other way round

Just shows that this government has zero respect for the sick and disabled

Benefit tales

I’ve seen myself how those with mental disorders are at a huge disadvantage in passing this test, which has to be changed


As a 76-year-old archdeacon and former vicar, I never imagined that in retirement I’d end up starting a fight with the government. But that’s exactly what happened this week, when I launched the I Agree With Dick petition, in conjunction with the charity Rethink Mental Illness. We’re demanding that the government stops using the work capability assessment to judge whether people with mental illness should receive benefits, until the test is improved.

This matters so much to me because I’ve been through the test with others, and have seen just how unfair it is. My son has bipolar disorder. Over the years he’s been in and out of hospital, and sectioned three times. He cannot live on his own, and when he’s tried to…

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